Polar Bears International

Sponsoring Polar Bear International’s Leadership Camps, where motivated individuals from different communities come to learn real, applicable ways to become stewards for environmental change in their communities. Each person who attends the PBI Camp returns home with a mission and set of achievable goals for reducing the carbon footprint within their business or community.

Additionally,Chapel Hats and SpiritHoods is making it our personal mission to reduce the carbon footprint of our business so that we can save polar bears.

Interesting Facts:
Polar bears have black fur under their outer layer of white fur.
It is the largest carnivore (meat eater) that lives on land.
Polar bears use sea ice as a platform to hunt seals.
Female polar bears usually only weigh about half as much as males.
Polar bears spend most of their time at sea.
Scientists estimate that there are around 20000 polar bears.
Polar bears have 42 teeth.
The scientific name for the polar bear is ‘ursus maritimus’.
Polar bears keep warm thanks to nearly 10 cm of blubber under the skin.

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