Snow Leopard Conservancy

The Snow Leopard Conservancy works to educate and promote grassroots conservation action in local communities in Central Asia’s high mountains, and SpiritHoods supports their efforts in the mountain ranges of Southern Siberia specifically. These areas were once part of the Soviet Union. After it collapsed, the people turned to hunting as a means of survival, and the snow leopard population was nearly depleted. The SLC works with schools in the area, and focuses on changing attitudes about saving wildlife.

Interesting Facts:
Snow leopards have an underdevelopment of their vocal tissue and cannot roar. This separates them from other “big cats.” Snow leopards use sounds and scrape against the dirt to communicate.
Snow leopards have lived up to 10 – 15 years in the wild and 15 – 21 years in captivity.
A snow leopards tail can wrap around its whole body.
There has never been a known snow leopard attack towards a human.
Like all leopards, Snow Leopards are extremely strong and agile. They are capable of preying upon animals three times their own size.
Snow Leopards can leap farther than any other cat, reaching distances of well over forty feet in a single bound.
To adapt to their extreme environment, the Snow Leopards have evolved into possessing a thick coat, to protect them against cold, and large furry paws that enable them to tread comfortably over snow.

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